The goal is that everybody can make a difference


The primary idea is that if everybody contributes 0,01% of their salery, that we invest in Green energy.

We have scrapped away the cost of office, travels, commercials etc. and removed profit payout.

All profit is to be reinvested in clean green energy

1% is to Maintain homepage, accountant, legal and administration costs. 


We want to create a place where everybody regardless income can contribute to everlasting green energy. 

First step is start up funding, for legal proceedings to start up NON-profit organisation. To do that, we have opened up different ways to donate, please see below. 

Ways to Donate


We have set up a paypal for those who feels this is the best way to donate


Coming soon

If you prefer to donating via Visa, Press here to be guided thru that.


Coming soon

No stones unturned, so if you would rather donate with Crypto currency

You can send to our wallet here.