The vision behind give001 is that if everybody gave 0,01% of their monthly salery, it could be enough to help the world become a cleaner and healtier place.

0% Pollution

We want to be a non-profit organization that invests solely in clean green energy.

The idea is that together we can support the construction of energy parks and facilities, thereby making a cleaner better Earth.

0% Profit 

  • No shareholders to profit from the company.
  • No hidden interests in making money for your own gain.
  • Everything we get from donations and what we will gain from selling electricity from wind turbines, solar cells, etc. will be used to build / buy more green energy.
  • All accounts and earningreports will be made public so that there will be 100% transparency.
  • By not having an expensive organization, we can also afford to invest in facilities that provide a smaller return than professional investors, focusing on all areas of the green energy sector.

1% Administration

We wont have any expensive CEO or large board of Directors that needs to be paid heavily. The idea is that the company should be run with a lot of voluntary help. So if people want to help with social media, website building or legal help, you should write to us under the contact tab instantly.